
Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Mother of Color

Random musings on Dorothy Draper, Carleton Varney + a favorite fabric.

Watercolor Rendering of Waikiki Sheraton
The Waikiki Sheraton was a project of Carleton Varney's with strong influences obvious from his mentor Dorothy Draper.
Ben Moore Draper Collection

I love Dorothy Draper & all her sensibility of color. Wrote about my love for her earlier. I believe her to be the Mother of Color so figure she is worth a "shout out" here @ MD. Love this collection of colors from Ben Moore done for a museum tribute of Dorothy.

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Love that her protege Carleton Varney is still out & about kicking it up with all his technicolor. Am itching to attend the Dorothy Draper Decorating School @ the Greenbrier. So hope they have it again next year. Oh what fun it would be to take a class with Mr. Color himself; Carleton Varney. Can only imagine the drama of his classes & stories he can tell.

Growing Wild by CV
I am over the moon at the re-release of this Carleton Varney favorite; Growing Wild. It is such a flash back for me & have plans to use it immediately. Be still my heart. Happy, happy, happy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so with you here!! And I'm pretty sure I'm getting that book as a gift tomorrow! You come visit me any time! But I've tried my hand at abstract painting and was a giant fail!


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