
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Colorific & A Bonus Hookup

John Lyle

On the hunt for porch chairs. I am having a grand time cyber shopping. Have found some doozies & wanted to share.

Verner Panton Chair
Grandin Road

(What the heck is that "+ " sign doing in the image.... jeepers.....)

Could be my fav..... another view perhaps?

K, so I am all over the board......  your point...... Will narrow my search soon but the hunt is such fun. I love cyber shopping!

 Teer Trek Gang with a Flamingo & a Random Guy via Friend Spreeing

Now if you are in the mood for some light summer cyber reading & even if you aren't get off your arse & get over to theteertrek.  A hilarious cross country modern day family adventure from NC to LA. There is road kill (well they did practically kill a bear in Bearizona), romance - seriously, a proposal in a helicopter in Vegas, and Lilly does Sante Fe! You will learn what Friend Spreeing is & find out what a delightful & patient guy the handsome Paris is. I am just hoping those 3 broads don't have the visit all @ the same time if you know what I mean..... Kristin is a gifted comedy writer & her taking us along on her month long trip that was a year in planning is just a hoot. Go now!


  1. Great fun post and can't wait to see about this zany Teer Trek thing... Leave it to you, Miss Seekers B!

    1. Honey Chile, It is a laugh riot. WYDF- That means; Wet Your Drawers Funny....

  2. There really is a place called Bearazona? This I gotta see. Those are some really good selections.....glad its you and not me deciding:)


Thx for stopping by ~ Come on tawk to me..... let it all out!