
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I Love Lucy

Sunroom by Lucy Penfield

Fresh funness by Lucy Penfield. Are these rooms not just stinkn' cute!

Space Saving Magic

Currently working on my laundry room which happens to be in my master closet which will either be the best idea ever or totally suck but I am counting on the best idea ever..... So excited Lucy has some killer ideas right up my alley.

Sidebar...saw this above on Pinterest which reminded me of this clever laundry rack from Ballard below.

Beadboard Drying Rack ~ Ballard

Also lovn' this accordion rack.

Accordion Drying Rack


Lucy Herself

Oh & did I mention.... she loves orange....just saying.



  1. Thanks for the introduction! I love her work -- especially the first room -- gorgeous!

  2. Dang...Lucy is the bomb! Not afraid of color but she uses it just right :)

  3. I love this,her,errr Lucy...and her Ethel!


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