
Monday, February 11, 2013

Better Late Then Never After & A Kick Ass Coffee Table Book or Two....

In searching for the post on Chinoiserie Chic that brought me to my adorable Pagoda Chair I just realized I had been harboring her for almost 2 years..... She is now making her debut & is just about the cutest chair I have ever seen! I took Beth's lead & ordered her from Liv Vintage; she arrived via Greyhound & spent quite awhile in storage. I choose a similar fabric to what Beth had for the vision, had her refinished which began the transformation of what was a dirty, dingy naughahyde ~ I know right.... yikes. The new fabric is a stinker to shoot so bare with me as the sheen made it really tough.... Showing a couple of different angles in hopes you get the beauty of her now. Not sure if Liv Vintage is still around which is a darn shame.

I have gotten endless inspiration from Beth @ Chinoiserie Chic.....Her blog rocks the hemisphere & if you aren't a follower well you better get over there now & catch up!  Note, I obviously did not take Mary McDonald's advice where she says just use one Chinoiserie item per room......

Before Chair ~ See Inspiration @ Chinoiserie Chic

Before of the pink chair on left in the first shot
More coming on the pink chair later for now here is the before above.....

Miles Redd Review
To know Frances Schultz is like playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon! Honestly she is so connected not just at the Piggly Wiggly in Tarboro but globally. And since I relish her blog I sometimes begin to pretend I know all the celebs she knows. Miles Redd is one of her buddies; could you just die??? Her recent post on the book (his book silly) had me imagining I was actually at the book signing & he says "Where have I heard your name??? Why I believe Frances Schultz was just raving about your new crib @ a party @ Tinsley Mortimers' last week...." A girl can dream..... Go read her review of the book & go buy it. I am busy imagining he will feature me in his next expose & invite me to a dinner party in his bathroom!

Carolyn Roehm
As for Frances, you just gotta go follow her blog..... She also knows Carolyn Roehm.....  And why yes I am a shameless name dropper.....
Later Gators!


  1. I love that chair. The fabric you picked is perfect. I really can't get over those mirrors. I know they are vintage, but where did you find them?

  2. Of the 5 things that I bought new for the renovation the mirrors are 2 of them! Global Views ~

  3. Oh wow, Junell, your room is beautiful!! The chair is gorgeous, and the fabric is perfect. I love the placement of it on the chair. Can't wait to see more!

    1. THX! You are next!!! I am picking up my PP plates today from the framer ~ can't wait!!!

  4. love how the chair turned out! that fabric is really gorgeous!

  5. Yes Paige the chair is ADORABLE, DEVINE, and delicious, like you and your blog. Thank you for the love. xox Frances

  6. HA! So glad you were able to post a comment. Knew you would love the green chair.

  7. The perfect fabric for your wonderful new!! Can't wait to see more ~

  8. Great to finally see the results of all your hard work, so fabulous! LOVE
    Seeing how you updated the things you got from me .
    The green pagoda chair is fantastic!, kind of regret selling it now LO


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