
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bodacious Bamboo & Black Bath

I mentioned the pink marble top to my hall bath vanity last post. Have avoided showing this room (from my renovation in case you are new to the blog) as the wallpaper that I LOVE is a bugger to photograph. Will break down & have it shot professionally once the shower curtain arrives. But for now put on your sunglasses.....

I fell head over heels for the mylar foil  Sampan wallpaper by Meg Braff & knew right where I would use it. The drama behind the black door is a tiny bath which became tinier when we divided it into a "powder room" area & the bath/toilet area. The tightness of the spot brings new meaning to the term water closet..... The Chinoiserie mirror and the silver foil wallpaper help the space feel larger, sorta' not really....

The foil effect of this Mylar paper is wonderful with dim lighting. Full force of the light used to take these images is wicked. Do not enter under the influence... The slab of marble was a flea market find hidden in the corner covered in shellac that made it appear apricot. Could not see any details but I knew it had potential. What a great surprise when it polished up to a shell pink with gorgeous veining.

The Karl Ens pair of flamingos have the perfect spot to preen. Ain't they the just the coolest???

The chest is "all lacquered up" in black. Love the effect of the total piece including hardware in a high gloss black. It pops against the black & white marble in an "offset" pattern with a light grey grout.

The drawers are done in a silver metallic to coordinate with the wallpaper. Sexy huh??? Yeah, it is a captivating touch.

The toilet & tub are now behind the frosted glass doors. Waiting for the shower curtain for the big reveal. Note; wrapped the ceiling in this paper to heighten the drama.

Sampan by Meg Braff
The coral & pink in the bamboo patterned Sampan is so Palm Beach Chic! Now that wallpaper is back I think we will see more foils. Def have that 60's vibe  that I love ~ so Babe Paily! Why yes I am as old as dirt..... While not for the faint of heart in a small space or on a ceiling, foils can add just the perfect touch.
Before ~ White Of Mebane Vintage Chest
Found this French Provencial chest @ a tag sale & it was the perfect size for the space in the bath. Here is the inspiration to do the all over high gloss lacquer & coordinating drawers from Pinterest.

Black doors.....

The bath is behind the door on the right. A subtle space that makes for quite a surprise when the door opens. For the most part all my interior doors are black except for a few closets that just needed to disappear. Along with being oh so Dorothy Draper-esque black doors are awesome for hiding finger prints & for me they add a calming effect.

My friend Linda @ Calling It Home  has black fever too! Check out her post When In Doubt, Paint it Black. I think it is contagious!


  1. I love the look. I'm a big fan of mylar wallpaper. Everything that's old is new again! Growing up my brothers bedroom walls were mylar foil with a large turquoise and green ogee pattern. They also had faux fur bedspreads on their bunkbeds. Groovy!

    1. Yes, I too remember the retro foils! Sounds like a Brady Bunch hacienda! THX!

  2. Shut up! First, thanks for the shout out. Now....Meg Braff, say no more. You have such great vision, I would have passed on the 'before' chest but look how amazing it is. That is a seriously high styled powder room. Well done!

  3. I know, right the chest def took vision but I was desperate for something that was narrow enough for the spot but had a big enough scale for the mirror so I bought it & held my breathe..... & Honestly; I love it! THX! Black is the new Black....

  4. Totally and absolutely BOLD and AMAZING. L O V E!!!

  5. Yeah, you nailed it! Looks lush......

    1. Started to call it the Bad Ass Bath.... THX!

  6. oh wao love that wallpaper! I think a powder bath is the perfect room to make a statement in and boy did you make it! Love it!

    1. It is a fun room to walk in to. THX!

    2. Meg Braff has great papers! I adore wallpaper. THX!

  7. Wow! Looking at your bathroom, I would believe that I'm at a high end hotel somewhere in China! It looks fabulous! I'm a new follower and I know your blog will be a fun place to visit! :)

    1. Welcome! Why thank you. In reality it is more like a cruise ship bathroom, you bend over & something is gonna' goose you!

  8. Statement making wallpaper's fabulous and can't wait to see the rest!!

    1. I def say it ain't done til it;s over done & for sure this room gets the prize! Can't wait to see more of your gorgeous "vacay" home!

  9. I seriously LOVE everything you do in your house!! You are so crazy talented! What an amazing bath you've created -- gorgeous!!

    1. You are so kind, people probably think I pay you for the compliments;) It is a hidden gem which def get the attention of all who open the door! THX!!1

  10. It is a GORGEOUS room to walk into - as is the entire home! Great job. You should do a book!!

    1. So kind; thank you! I have had so much fun!!! OK, so the fun did not start til after the contractors left.... but since then nothing but fun!!!

  11. Love the wallpaper and wow factor you've added to the powder room! Can't wait to see it all (including the ceiling)!

  12. So many special touches in a small space! Bodacious AND BEAUTIFUL!
    You waved your magic wand with that flea market marble slab and the tag sale chest!
    So impressive!

  13. Bodacious AND BEAUTIFUL! So many special touches in a small space!
    You waved your magic wand with the flea market marble slab and the tag sale chest!
    Very impressive!

  14. LOVE the silver paper and what all you did! xox

  15. This bathroom is absolutely STUNNING!!! You did an AMAZING job!! I just love your style!

    The Glam Pad

  16. Do you mind sharing which paint you use for interior black doors?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Doors are Sherwin Wms Black Caviar 6990 in satin finish, sprayed as to avoid brush marks. Find trim in satin is very soothing indoors.


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